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2022-23 JJ Pearce Golf Team Tryouts


Golf Team second chance tryouts are next week!

Please FILL OUT THIS FORM if you will be attending tryouts:

JJP Golf Tryouts will be played as two rounds of 18 holes:

Sherrill Park Golf Course, Richardson TX

Day 1: Wednesday, Aug 3 – Tee Times start at 10:30 (Boys on Course 1, Girls on Course 2)

Day 2: Thursday, Aug 4 – Tee Times start at 10:30 (Boys on Course 2, Girls on Course 1)

Range ball and green fee costs will be the responsibility of the player each day (approx. $25 per round).

Check in with Coach Buchanan each day (driving range) to receive your tee time. Please arrive with plenty of time to warm up on the range and putting green on your own.


- All Players must have their own bag/clubs to try out - this is a requirement to play on the JJ Pearce Golf Team

- Dress Code: Golf Attire - no jeans, no t-shirts, no open toed shoes

Again, please fill out THIS FORM if you plan to try out in August! We will use this information to plan the total number of tee times needed and communicate any changes.

Don't hesitate to send any questions to Team Rep: Teresa Dorman ( or to Coach Buchanan:

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